Everybody is different, and so I teach everybody differently. It doesn’t matter why you want to sing. You can be a professional with some weak points, or you can think of singing more like a hobby. What matters is that you spend a good time singing with me. It works like meditation!
It doesn’t matter if you are a bathroom singer who just wants to learn a few well-known songs, an enthusiastic karaoke-fan who wants to do their best on Saturday nights, or you would like to apply for music school and you need somebody to train you up. If you feel like you want music to be a special part of your life, I am here for you to make the most out of every opportunity!
Music is a language that all people understand. Music cures, gives strength, can fill you with emotion, and help you survive the toughest days, even when you are just listening to it. Just imagine what’s possible if you are creating it!
I once went to a Bobby McFerrin concert in Budapest, Hungary. Sitting on the stage alone, with no band, no supporting musicians behind him, it was just Bobby and his voice. Asking the audience to participate in the show he ended up making everybody in the hall to sing. The whole place became one. There were no borders, no differences and no hate. Just pure and genuine love.
But you don’t have to be a world-famous musician or listen to stars to experience the magic music gives you. Gather around the fire in a party and sing along with the guy who is playing the guitar. It will still feel amazing.
Singing or making music is like meditation. You are living present. When you sing, you don’t think about your problems and you ignore past or future. All you care about is the notes and the lyrics you are singing. This makes it so magical.
No matter why you want to learn to sing, as long as you have an inner drive, enjoy it!
I can help you find your own musical style, or if you already know what you want we can work together to make you an even better singer.
If you are interested in jazz or pop, but you don’t know many works, we can build you a nice repertoire, and find the perfect songs that fit your style.
If you already know quite a few songs but you are not pleased with the rest, we can work on your pronunciation, musical presence and even your improvisations.
If you feel like you know everything about singing but have difficulties when on stage, or quite the opposite :-), then this can be our focus. Since I have quite a few years full of concerts behind me, this is my favourite thing to work on.
Any questions you may have about music theory, history or practical details about self-managing, feel free to ask.
Do not worry about the technical details. I can find you the perfect instrumental backing tracks in your own key, which you can bring home to practice.
If you want to know more about me and my music, go to www.erikakertesz.com or follow me on Facebook (www.facebook.com/erikakertesz) or Instagram (www.instagram.com/erikakertesz).
The lessons take place in the 7th district of Budapest, by the City Park. This neighbourhood is very easy to reach, for example with trolley bus 70 stops right in front of the house.
You can come to lesson on weekdays between 9:00 and 15:00. About my free slots you can e-mail me, send me a text message, whatsapp me, or call me!
The lessons take 50 minutes and they cost 12.000 HUF. You can pay by cash, bank transfer or Revolut. This price already includes the 27% VAT.
It can happen, that you have to cancel a lesson. Please try to do that as soon as possible! If you cancel less then 48 hours before the scheduled lesson, you will have to pay for it. I am flexible though, if something comes up, I am happy to reschedule our lesson within the same week if I can.
My husband, jazz guitar player David Reschofsky gives guitar lessons at the same location. It happens quite often, that singers decide to take up guitar classes, or guitarists want to learn to sing. If you take both classes, we are happy to schedule your lessons after each other. More information about David and his classes you can find here: www.davidreschofsky.com or www.gitartanar-budapest.hu